Rssowl news filters howto password#
Keyword.label.6 = password passwords credential credentials protected secure security username login master protect authorization authentication auth Keyword.label.5 = notifier notification alert popup fade animate info notify animation small preview minimized tray Keyword.label.4 = label labels tag tags organize categorize category prioritize priority
Rssowl news filters howto update#
Keyword.label.3 = update reload display startup start-up filter group auto automatic clean clean-up retention delete layout newspaper horizontal vertical alignment list headlines page size number paging pagination limit age maximum columns sort order images flash media video readability google mobilizer instapaper duplicate reading Keyword.label.2 = systemtray reopen open single multi tab minimize tray restore feed view single double click mouse update automatic version download Keyword.label.1 = presentation theme style text accessibility reading user interface Keyword.label.0 = binding command scheme hotkey accelerator shortcut keyboard accessibility Keyword.label = help guide guidance search intro # the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies thisĪction.tooltip.1 = Import from a OPML fileĪction.label.9 = Next Feed &with Unread NewsĪction.label.14 = Previous Feed &with Unread NewsĪction.tooltip.2 = Find Updates for installed Add-ons # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under